Nepal, a nation characterized by its diverse ethnic groups and cultures, encompasses a plethora of festivals catering to various religious and ethnic communities. Each religion and ethnic group in Nepal celebrates its distinct festivals, reflecting the vibrant tapestry of traditions within the country. The Nepalese people firmly believe that every edifice, on any given day of a festival, holds sacred significance.

These festivals serve as precious opportunities for visitors to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Nepalese culture and enjoy themselves while gaining profound insights. Regardless of the time and location of one’s arrival in Nepal, it is almost certain that one will have the privilege of witnessing and participating in a festival associated with any religion or ethnic group.


Major Festivals in Nepal: A Cultural Extravaganza

Here are some of the major festivities in Nepal celebrated by the different communities in Nepal.

Nepal, a small Himalayan country known for its breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage, is also a land of vibrant festivals. The diverse ethnic groups and religious communities in Nepal celebrate a multitude of festivals throughout the year. These festivals provide a fascinating glimpse into the country’s history, traditions, and spiritual beliefs. In this blog, we will explore some of the most significant festivals in Nepal, highlighting their unique customs, rituals, and the joyous atmosphere they bring to the nation.


Dashain, the biggest and most widely celebrated festival in Nepal, is a time of joy and merriment. Lasting for 15 days, this festival falls in September or October and symbolizes the victory of good over evil. Families come together, and the streets are adorned with colorful decorations. People engage in various activities like flying kites, playing card games, and swinging on beautifully decorated bamboo swings. Animal sacrifices, particularly of buffaloes, are a common tradition during Dashain. Elders bless the younger generations, and everyone seeks blessings from the goddess Durga. The festival concludes with Tika, a red vermillion powder applied on the forehead, and Jamara, a sacred yellow rice sprout, which are believed to bring prosperity and good fortune.


Tihar, also known as the Festival of Lights, is celebrated in October or November. This five-day festival worships different animals and elements of nature. The first day is dedicated to crows, the second day to dogs, the third day to cows, and the fourth day to oxen and farmers. On the final day, sisters perform a ritual called “Bhai Tika,” where they put Tika and garlands of flowers on their brothers’ foreheads, expressing love and gratitude. The entire festival is marked by the lighting of oil lamps and candles, making the atmosphere mesmerizing. Houses are beautifully decorated, and intricate designs called “rangoli” are drawn on the floors. Tihar is a time of reunion, bonding, and spreading joy.


Holi, the festival of colors, is celebrated with great enthusiasm and vigor in Nepal. This ancient Hindu festival, falling in March, marks the arrival of spring. People throw colored powders and water at each other, creating a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues. Drumbeats, music, and dancing fill the air as everyone indulges in the festive spirit. It is a time when social barriers are broken, and people come together in a celebration of life. Delicious sweets, known as “Gujiyas,” are prepared and shared among family and friends. Holi is not only a celebration of colors but also a symbol of love, unity, and the triumph of good over evil.

Bisket Jatra

Bisket Jatra, a unique festival celebrated in Bhaktapur, is a thrilling spectacle that attracts both locals and tourists. This festival, held in April, marks the Nepalese New Year. The highlight of Bisket Jatra is the chariot procession, where huge chariots representing different deities are pulled through the streets by enthusiastic participants. The chariot race is accompanied by dances, lively music, and cheers from the crowd. As per tradition, the chariot that reaches a designated spot first is believed to bring good fortune to the community. The festival also features a tug-of-war contest and the erection of a large wooden pole, known as “Yoshin Dha,” which requires great strength and teamwork.


Losar is the Tibetan New Year celebrated by the Sherpa community. It usually falls in February/March and is a time for religious ceremonies, cultural performances, and family gatherings. Sherpas dress in traditional attire, offer prayers, perform Sherpa Lama dances, etc.

Udhauli and Ubhauli

Udhauli and Ubhauli are two harvest festivals that are celebrated by the Limbu community. Udhauli is observed in November or December, marking the migration of people from the hills to the lowlands. Ubhauli is celebrated in April or May, symbolizing the return journey. These festivals are marked by cultural performances, traditional dances like the Sakela Dance, and offerings to ancestors and deities.


Nepal’s festivals are not just religious or cultural events but a reflection of the country’s deep-rooted traditions and values. They bring people together, fostering a sense of unity and harmony. The vibrant colors, lively music, and joyful celebrations create an atmosphere of happiness and togetherness. Festivals in Nepal provide an incredible opportunity for travelers to immerse themselves in the local culture, witness age-old rituals, and experience the warmth of Nepali hospitality. So, if you’re planning a trip to Nepal, try to coincide your visit with one of these festivals to truly embrace the cultural richness and spiritual essence of this enchanting land.

To provide a comprehensive understanding, we have compiled a list of the months and names of festivals celebrated by different ethnic groups and religious communities such as Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, and others. The religious festivals in Nepal typically adhere to the lunar calendar, which varies each year, while national festivals have fixed dates. By synchronizing their visit with these festivals, visitors can partake in the festive atmosphere and experience the unique cultural expressions of the Nepalese people.

Festival Names with Falling Months within a Year in Nepal

Month Name of the Festival
January – February
  • Sweta Manchhendra Snan
  • Swasthani Puja
  • Maghe Sankranti
  • Basanta Panchmi & Saraswati Puja
February – March
  • Maha Shivaratri
  • Losar
  • Fagu Purnima or Holi
March – April
  • Chaitra Dasain
  • Ghode Jatra
April – May
  • Bisket Jatra
  • New Year’s Day
  • Red Machhendranath Jatra
  • Buddha Jayanti
July – August
  • Gunla
  • Krishna Ashtami
  • Janai Purnima
  • Eid-Al-Fitr
August – September
  • Gai Jatra
  • Teej
  • Waqf-al-Adha – Hajj
September – October
  • Indra Jatra
  • Dasain or Durga Puja
October – November
  • Mani Rimdu
  • Tihar or Deepali
November – December
  • Balachaturdarsi
  • Bibah Panchami
  • Yomari Punhi
  • Christmas

We have listed the names of the festivals and their falling months. To know the exact date of the particular Festival in Nepal, please contact us; our team will respond to you with complete details of the festival dates and possible tours that can be attended. Check out our Nepal Tour Package and we can discuss and customize the plan combining the preferred festival you would like to attend.

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